Scallop Incentive Program Intro

Published in
3 min readAug 19, 2023


Scallop Incentive Program

Have you been enjoying Scallop’s lending yields? Looking to earn more from your deposited assets?

Scallop is launching our very first sCoin Incentive Program to boost your earnings and reward our loyal Scallopers!

What is sCoin?

Scallop is a decentralized financial money market that allows users to lend and borrow various cryptocurrencies. When users make a supply in Scallop lending pools, they receive sCoin that represent supplies (e.g. sSUI for SUI supplies, sUSDC for USDC supplies).

sCoin in Scallop Mini Wallet

Learn More about sCoin

What is Scallop Incentive Program?

Scallop Incentive Program

Scallop’s sCoin Incentive Program is a period-based rewards program designed to reward our loyal Scallopers for their support and contribution to the Scallop ecosystem!

With the implementation of the incentive program, Scallopers will be able to deposit their sCoins into the respective sCoin pools and earn additional APR on top of the lending interest from depositing in the lending pool.

Scallop Incentive Program

The incentive program will happen over a fixed period of time, and in each campaign period there will be a massive prize pool of rewards that will be distributed to Scallopers who deposit their sCoins into the sCoin pools listed below:

  • sSUI
  • sUSDC
sCoin pools

How to do it?

Get SUI or USDC (Wormhole from Ethereum)

Visit Scallop and connect your Sui wallet.

sCoin Pools

If you would like to deposit into sSUI Pool, you need to do lending at Scallop SUI lending pool and get sSUI, same as sUSDC and other sCoins.

sCoin Pools

Supply at Lending Pool and Deposit to sCoin Pools in One Transaction.

You can pick to supply lending in SUI or USDC pool.

Lending Pools

Click on the “Deposit sCoin in SCOin Pools”

After Clicking “Supply SUI and Deposit sSUI” and the transaction is confirmed, you can see your supply/deposit in Lending & sCoin Pools.

Your Deposit in sCoin Pools
Harvest Yield

You can Harvest your yield by clicking “Harvest All“ and signing the transaction.

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